It’s just that we’ve only had one (1) RSVP for Danger Mouse’s birthday party this Saturday.
Last year? We had two (2) children show up. One of them was a friend of Eldest’s, and those two vanished upstairs and were not seen again. The other was a BFF but she could only stay for about half an hour due to Another Engagement.
So we’ve got one (1) kid officially coming. Plus family.
And 23 other kids who haven’t called one way or the other.
Dear $DEITY, please not a repeat of last year, thank you…
Recipe Tuesday: Hoisin Chicken Tray Bake
3 months ago
I have received one RSVP for the boys' party this Sat. Out of THREE classes. I'm giving it a couple more days & then I'm making some phone calls. What is WRONG with people?
Tell you come to ours and we'll come to yours. OR we'll combine and do a triple party! I already have 24 water guns! Come on over!!!
I'll keep my fingers crossed for your daughter's birthday party. RSVPs sure don't mean what they used to anymore. Good luck.
Ugh--been there, done that... but family is good too...
Oh, I can SO-O-O relate to your problem! I've got three kids and we've gone through many years of parties where the parents of invited guests were apparently raised by wolves. I cannot believe that anyone with their own children could be so thoughtless. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you!
Why are people so rude? Is it that hard to make a quick call? gah!
Oh, I HATE that! I live in fear of having no one show up for my kids' parties. (I never got past that adolescent angst about no one liking me, and now I worry that my kids will feel the same.) One year, I had 20 people RSVP "yes" and NONE of them showed up! Fortunately, my son was only three and didn't notice. But every year I suffer horribly the week before each of my kids' birthday parties. I'm sending every bit of positive energy I can muster...
Poor Tama! I hope you can corral some parents at the school during pick-up or drop-off time and see if any of them are coming. So terrible to not get RSVPs, how rude.
This is why I'm restricting our kids to birthday parties only occasionally...I can't handle the stress and I don't want them to feel less than special for their birthday celebrations! Good luck!
My sister had a naming day for her daughter recently. She was really surprised to find that all our aunts and uncles and old family friends who used to scream and shout if *we* didn't write immediate thank you letters for gifts from them never even rsvp'd to my sister. If she does anything again, she's going to write in big letters "if you don't reply I will assume you're not coming" Maybe this is the way of the future?
Hard to believe, but some people still don't understand that RSVP means call even if you CAN'T attend. That said, I'm sensing a weird trend. My 2nd grader has been invited to only one or two birthday parties (other than the neighbor's) since pre-school. He has attended and he has been the only kid there besides the birthday kid and relatives (cousins, etc.). I try to keep his parties small, but if I send out 8 invites the only kids I can count on are the neighbors. I let him invite two school friends in kindergarten and only one came...the one who was his 'best' friend couldn't come (and I gave two weeks' advance notice). I'm just giving up and spending the money I would have spent on a fancy party on savings bonds or something. It's really sad for the kids though.
P.S. That isn't the neighbor who looks down her nose at my clothesline.
I don't understand what's wrong with people! How hard is it to RSVP??
We can bring the Peanut down. I know he's a stinky boy but if it would help my darling Goddaughter then we're there!
I'll post the opposite view. As a working parent of two kids, the invites get sent home with the kids in a backpack; or left in a cubby at daycare, and the parents may never even have seen the invites! A gentle reminder when you see those parents or a phone call would be very nice.
The other thing that happens is the kids think it's a card they can keep and it gets lost before we have a chance to get the necessary info off it, despite my attempts to tell them I need the card so they can go (or not).
Despite our best intentions as parents we may not have managed to RSVP to parties because we simply didn't know about them. And sometimes we forget; so yeah, I guess we was raised by wolves.
I know what you mean with the kids parties. I had that happen last year. The only people who came was my sister who was down for the weekend and my neigbors who couldn't get out of it because I was putting up balloons right beside their house. What really pissed me off is moms calling me the day before...nay...that morning!! asking what my son wanted for his birthday, and they are on the way over, and then STILL not showing up.
My son's birthday party is tomorrow (sunday) and then mine is a week after so I think I am in for a double whammy of disappointment this weekend. My heart goes out to you.
So what happened? How many children turned up?
- Pam (concerned onlookers want to know)
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