I really like the way it came out in the solid color. While I loved the Claudia silk I used last time, the intense color variegation did hide the patterns. With the solid gray of the Alpaca Cloud, the pattern really pops.

I have to confess, I am enjoying this pattern in a way that may be a touch unhealthy. I want to make yet another one. It is just an extremely pleasant knit with a beautiful result.
The fact that this is the first lace-as-such pattern that I have actually managed to do without mangling it beyond hope may have something to do with my passionate love, here.
Now, of course, I have to decide What Next. Other than another shawl, because really now. Moderation in all things, right?
Next? Try the Sheep Shawl. You'll like it!
The shawl is outstanding. It is one I've admired and inspired now I can seen it made up other than for the pattern. Are both versions for you?
Brava! It's beautiful :)
You've inspired me! I've started the Southwest Shawl a couple of times and ripped it out. Now I'll try again.
Wow, that is amazing! Gorgeous, gorgeous work. Just beautiful.
Bee-you-tee-full! We really need to work out some sort of barter system.
Alas, neither of these were for me. The first was for my Gran's 85th birthday present, and this one is for our interim minister, who is leaving our wee-little-tiny church this summer.
The Sheep Shawl pattern is on the way!! THAT one will be for ME-ME-ME! :)
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