I am telling myself how lucky I am. Because you know – people have died of dental abscesses. So I am just downright fortunate that I live in a country where advanced dental treatments are available.
And that dentists are used to people not having dental insurance. And accept Mastercard, Visa, Amex – you name it. And hey! Lucky me! I have an Amex.
And also, how wonderfully blissfully lucky-luck-luck girl am I, that the endodontist was able to see me not next week as planned, but today! Today! Yes! In, like, half an hour, the nice, highly trained professional man will be available to take my *cough-gasp-choke* $1,200 and drill holes in my head to release the infection and reseal the roots of my tooth.
That’s right (I say to myself, firmly), I am one lucky person.
…for some bizarre reason…
I’m not feeling particularly lucky.
Actually? I'm feeling a little sickish. And abused. And really...downright un-lucky.
Hokay. Gotta go brush my teeth and take some Tylenol...and try harder to feel lucky.
Recipe Tuesday: Hoisin Chicken Tray Bake
3 months ago
I hate scotch, but I had some after a horrible root canal; tylenol & advil did nothing.
Yeah...if you were REALLY lucky, you'd be an adrenaline junkie who thrived on pain. As it is, I'm wishing you {{hugs}} and lots and lots of vicodin...w/some motrin...and a bed...w/no kids...and Paolo the pool boy to feed you bananas and grapes, if only in your chemically enhanced imagination. Good luck.
I once got an out of control abcess on a friday evening, (I always seem to have my dental emergencies on the weekends) and I had to wait till the following Monday morning to be seen. I will tell you what, I was on my knees begging the guy to do whatever he needed to do, just MAKE. IT. STOP. Be glad you aren't at that point yet. :) Oh, and why didn't I go to the ER? cuz I am more scared of doctors than dentists.
I don't blame you for feeling skittish. I hope it wasn't as bad as you made it seem....
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