Holy carp, people, my box just arrived from Planet Organics and there was a pint of strawberries in it and OH MY GAWD…those were (you will note the past tense here – for the record, the box hit my porch less than fifteen minutes ago…) the Best.Strawberries.Ever.
Seriously. I thought I’d try one while I washing them…and then I thought I’d try another one…and then maybe just one more…and then I gave up all pretense and stood over the sink sucking them down like I was ten seconds from Armageddon.
OK, just had to share. Now I really must go and destroy the evidence take out the trash…
Recipe Tuesday: Hoisin Chicken Tray Bake
3 months ago
Heh. Sounds like something I'd do, too. They never need to know...
Organic strawberries are like a gift. It turns out that strawberries are so disease prone they pretty much sterilize the earth to grow them. You can't do that with organic produce so they have to sing sweetly, pick the bugs off by hand and wrap the little darlings in blankies or something like that. Yum yum!
Strawberries? What strawberries?
Boy am I glad to know I'm not the only one who does stuff like this.
I'm so envious! Every time I walk past the wonderfully odorific conventional strawberries at the market I want to do what you've just described (why bother taking them home). But I've heard strawberries are among the most pesticide-absorbing produce there is. They'd have been so nice after Easter ham but, oh well.
Drooling just thinking about June... (that's when our organic crops will come in).
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