There are times in life when you think your problems have got to be the worst problems ever. You think you are the dumbest chicken in the henhouse, the dimmest bulb on the Christmas tree and also…you’re not terribly bright.
And then…you get to read things like Rudolph the Boob-Nosed Reindeer.
Heh. Yeah. I am so not the dimmest bulb…
Recipe Tuesday: Hoisin Chicken Tray Bake
2 months ago
That is priceless. LOL
words fail Me!
I can't decide who was dumber: the guy who tried to light up the implants, or the woman who let him. She's probably really lucky they weren't Jewish, or her bloke probably would have tried to light her knockers like a Menorah.
Thanks for the laugh.
Suddenly I feel like a candidate for Mensa.
I will never again feel stupid. ROFLMAO
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