Have you ever had a week go by, during which you never got to sit down for five minutes at a stretch, running-running-running, emptying the vacuum cleaner about eleventy-nine times and also going through several bottles of cleaning solution AND YET somehow your house still looks as though a hurricane swept through it and also you haven’t had five minutes to check email so you have about four THOUSAND messages waiting for you, all marked ‘urgent’?
Hello, welcome to my world.
School started Monday, and in spite of having known for months that it would start Monday, I was still blindsided by the actual, you know, first week of school thing.
The paperwork. The ‘write a letter introducing your child’ assignment. Back to school. Where’s your backpack? Early release Monday. Minimum day Friday. One kid gets out at 11:37, another at 2:20, the last at 2:55. Can we go to the park and I left my backpack at school and also I want a drink and how come we can’t go to Disneyland today?
Right now, the $900 a month it would cost to pay for after school care for the three of them seems a small price to pay in exchange for only having to go to school twice a day.
It is only Wednesday, and I feel as though I have been put through the wringer, hung up to dry and pooped on by crows.
I did manage to get my bedroom cleaned yesterday. It was a tremendous achievement, and I am very proud.
Still haven’t gotten through my email, or cleaned off the astonishing pile of paperwork on my desk. But, undaunted, I carry on!
Speaking of which…time to go get Danger Mouse. And wait the half hour for Eldest. During which time I will have all kinds of deep thoughts and amusing anecdotes that I will say to myself, “I just HAVE to share that with the Internet!” and then by the time I get home I will have forgotten altogether.
Ah, life. A never-ending list of shoulda, coulda, woulda, with a heapin’ plateful of remorse for what ya didn’t do and longing for what you don’t have and wondering why you can’t seem to get around to any of the things you’d really like to be doing.
But I’m sure nobody else ever feels like that…right?
Recipe Tuesday: Hoisin Chicken Tray Bake
2 months ago
Who, me? Nah, I am never even THAT free of guilt. It seems to come with motherhood...it's the one downside that comes with the multitude of joys.
Mine go back to school Monday. Do we have school supplies? Backpacks? Freakin' notebook paper? You know the answer.
I was just saying on this very day that I can't wait for my kids to go back to school (who am I kidding? I've said that since day one of vacation, but this next was the relevant part:), except that it will probably be even worse. So. Yeah. Thanks. Can't wait. And what is up with starting this early?
Sigh. Mine start next week, on Thursday of all days. School supply and shoe shopping this weekend - double sigh.
Hey, I had that day yesterday!
So, you're writing my life story why? oh wait, can't be MINE.. .MY kids don't start til next week... with the wildly varied schedules and piano and clarinet thrown in for good measure (involving impossible scheduling and mad dashes across town to get to lessons on time)
But otherwise, my life... or a preview.
At least I know I"m not alone!
Never feel like that...
I have been barreling through the last 2 months. Could I please have a few minutes to collect my thoughts and then maybe have another second or two to think about what it is I'm doing??
Um, yeah...did you not realize you'd joined the club?
Yeah...soccer/dance/karate oh my! And I wonder if I get karma points for my hours as a chauffer, or if the Goddess is getting irritated because I'm wasting perfectly usable gray matter in the stink of traffic...
I think you are awesome!
It's all cool :)
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