Tiny bathrooms with their very own full-room-sized heating vents that get up to probably 80-some-odd degrees, when the rest of the house is somewhere around 62.
Just like a sauna.
Without all the nekkid, sweaty old men.
Recipe Tuesday: Hoisin Chicken Tray Bake
1 month ago
Where? Where?
This is one of the things I miss about L.A. ALL the houses/apartments had these!
Up here in SF, NONE do. Something about a little ol' fire a century ago....
My downstairs bathroom is a tiny little 5x8 space. I got in there the other morning and shut the door (fancy! I shut the door while in the bathroom! how novel!) while the central heater was running.
Oh my.
I almost didn't come out. I still might just hang a little sign saying "Office" on there and move in. The rest of the house was literally 62, but that bathroom was like being in the Bahamas.
Except that I suspect the Bahamas are cleaner, on the whole...
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