It started so innocently. So very, very innocently.
“Do you think you could knit me a sweater?”
I’M ON IT!!!!!!
Now of course, the first thing I simply must do is unearth The Most Perfect Pattern Ev-Ah™ - which is no problem because I have what might be termed a somewhat…comprehensive library of patterns, in book and magazine and pamphlet form. (And that’s not even beginning to think about the Internet, which is dizzyingly large and I mean, really, Knitty alone could keep you busy for weeks and weeks when it comes to pattern-searching.)
But of course, digging through all that gets frustrating, right?
So naturally, I turned to Ravelry.
Where I think you could spend fifty-seven lifetimes and still not have clicked through all the possibilities.
But that’s OK, because Ravelry has my notebook, which has my library, which means that I can easily flip through every single knitting book and booklet I own (more or less) simply by…
Three? Three cardigans? That’s all I’ve got in my…no, now, waitasecond, that can’t be right…
Eeeeeeyeah. Apparently, I not only had neglected to put more than about 15% of my stash into my little online database friend, I had only entered four (4) of my books.
So guess what I’ve been doing all night instead of sleeping, eating, or anything else I should be doing?
80 books, 199 magazines, and 30 booklets so far.
And I am calling it quits for the night.
Also, I am marveling at what-all I’ve got in there now. Over 4,600 available patterns, 722 of which are adult-sized cardigans.
Happy sigh.
Oh, my sweet Ravelry, how I do love you…even if you do end up costing me two precious hours of sleep I’ll probably regret in the morning…
Recipe Tuesday: Hoisin Chicken Tray Bake
3 months ago
It's amazing what Ravelry can do for you! But you make me feel so guilty! I can see what I'll be doing tonight! Ginnie
Oh, Ravelry is just Like That, isn't it? I don't use its features half as much as I could, because I fear the Time Sink. But I do love it! And you'll get a lot of use out of your cataloging, that's for sure.
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