I pulled out the wad of papers from Eldest's backpack and began going through them. The permission slip caught my attention. On the back was printed an !enthusiastic! flyer about the CHEER CAMP!! YAY TEAM! RAH!
Blah blah cheers yadda yadda spirit ha ha jumps something about stunts, forty dollars for a one-day ‘introduction to spirit squadery’ (all day, on a Saturday), and GO TEAM!!!
“Hey Eldest,” I called out. “You interested in this cheerleading thing?”
“Oh, that? Not really. Actually? I’m an author.”
Oh, I see. Alrighty then.
{shreds flyer}
Thank you GOD.
Recipe Tuesday: Hoisin Chicken Tray Bake
3 months ago
Oh yeah... that was a good one!
Amen. One day, my sister and I were bemoaning the fact that, between us, we have four boys and no girls (and yes, we're done). After a brief pause, she commented, "You know, if we did have girls, they could end up being, you know, girlie." We shared a shudder and a sigh of relief and went outside to play with our boys.
Cheer camp?!? This is what I have to look forward to. Cheer camp.
all i get are tardy notices with detention. sometimes i wish my girl would actually be girlie. *sigh*
$40 for a one-day introduction to rah-rah-hood? Oooooooooooookay. Sheesh, what do they get, Koigu pompoms? Crazy....
Hee hee hee... yeah... that sort of thing just makes you proud!
SugarPlum is the same way. When a girl at church asked her if she was going to do the cheerleading program, she replied, "No. I'm one of the people you cheer for."
And then Diet Coke came out of my nose. Humble, that one.
Oh that's a good child, that is.
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