Tuesday, August 05, 2008

I need to quit reading knit-blogs

Stupid Franklin. I go to read his blog and see his stuff, and where does he send me?

Twist Collective.

Gah! This is like something the Yarn Harlot would do, you know? With the Tempty Ways thing? I loooooove cables, and this issue is full of them. And the Livia socks are charming me. They're so squiggly!


That's it. I'm going downstairs to finish the Creatures shawl...{grouse, grumble, stomp}

(Some of those things are gorgeous, though. If I were a little more flush...I'd be adding a few more pages to my crazy knitting binders tonight!)


Anonymous said...

I wonder if they'll keep these available for sale in archives?

Anonymous said...

Ha, the Yarn Harlot DID do this to me.

Lovely though, isn't it?

Michelle F said...

Yes - and now thanks to YOU I have now added BOTH Franklin's blog to my daily addiction AND the new mag!

PipneyJane said...

Talking of Franklin, did you know he contributed to the Cast On podcast #3? He is very funny and his delivery style is very droll. He had me laughing all the way to work this morning (I'm new to podcasts so am catching up slowly). Anyway, you can find it at http://www.cast-on.com.

- Pam